JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

嫋か しなやか supple, flexible, elastic -
屎尿 しにょう excreta, raw sewage, human waste, night soil -
凌ぐ しのぐ to outdo, to surpass, to endure, to keep out (rain), to stave off, to tide over, to pull through, to defy, t -
始発 しはつ first train -
しば lawn, sod, turf -
しばしば often, again and again, frequently -
暫く しばらく little while -
痺れる しびれる to become numb, to go to sleep (i.e. a limb) -
渋い しぶい 1. tasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity, 2. astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), 3 -
私物 しぶつ private property, personal effects -
しぶとい しぶとい tenacious, stubborn -
司法 しほう administration of justice -
脂肪 しぼう fat, grease, blubber -
志望 しぼう wish, desire, ambition -
萎む しぼむ to wither, to fade (away), to shrivel, to wilt -
仕舞 しまい end, termination, informal (Noh play) -
仕舞う しまう to finish, to close, to do something completely, to put away, to put an end to -
しまった しまった Damn it! -
始末 しまつ management, dealing, settlement, cleaning up afterwards -
泌み泌み しみじみ keenly, deeply, heartily -
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