JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

強いて しいて by force -
強いる しいる to force, to compel, to coerce -
仕入れる しいれる to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure -
仕入れる しいんと silent (as the grave), (deathly) quiet -
歯科 しか dentistry -
資格 しかく qualifications, requirements, capabilities -
視覚 しかく sense of sight, vision -
仕掛け しかけ device, trick, mechanism, gadget, (small) scale, half finished, commencement, set up, challenge -
仕掛ける しかける to commence, to lay (mines), to set (traps), to wage (war), to challenge -
然し しかし however, but -
然しながら しかしながら nevertheless, however -
而も しかも moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, and yet -
市街 しがい urban areas, the streets, town, city -
指揮 しき command, direction -
色彩 しきさい colour, hue, tints -
式場 しきじょう ceremonial hall, place of ceremony (e.g. marriage) -
為来り しきたり customs -
頻りに しきりに frequently, repeatedly, incessantly, eagerly -
仕切る しきる to partition, to divide, to mark off, to settle accounts, to toe the mark -
資金 しきん funds, capital -
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