JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
施行 | しぎょう | 1. execution, enforcing, carrying out | - |
施行 | しくじる | to fail, to fall through, to blunder | - |
仕組み | しくみ | devising, plan, plot, contrivance, construction, arrangement | - |
死刑 | しけい | death penalty, capital punishment | - |
湿気る | しける | to be damp, to be moist | - |
思考 | しこう | thought | - |
志向 | しこう | intention, aim | - |
嗜好 | しこう | taste, liking, preference | - |
視察 | しさつ | inspection, observation | - |
資産 | しさん | property, fortune, means, assets | - |
刺繍 | ししゅう | embroidery | - |
支持 | しじ | support, maintenance | - |
指示 | しじ | indication, instruction, directions | - |
雫 | しずく | drop (of water) | - |
沈める | しずめる | to sink, to submerge | - |
施設 | しせつ | institution, establishment, facility, (army) engineer | - |
子息 | しそく | son | - |
慕う | したう | to yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly | - |
従って | したがって | therefore, consequently, in accordance with | - |
下心 | したごころ | secret intention, motive | - |
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