JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
嗚呼 | ああ | Ah!, Oh!, Alas! | - |
相 | あい | together, mutually, fellow | - |
相変わらず | あいかわらず | as ever, as usual, the same | - |
愛想 | あいそ | civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces | - |
相対 | あいたい | confrontation, facing, between ourselves, no third party, tete-a-tete | - |
間柄 | あいだがら | relation(ship) | - |
愛憎 | あいにく | likes and dislikes | - |
合間 | あいま | interval | - |
曖昧 | あいまい | vague, ambiguous | - |
敢えて | あえて | dare (to do), challenge (to do) | - |
仰ぐ | あおぐ | to look up (to), to respect, to depend on, to ask for, to seek, to revere, to drink, to take | - |
垢 | あか | dirt, filth | - |
亜科 | あか | suborder, subfamily | - |
銅 | あかがね | copper | - |
証 | あかし | proof, evidence | - |
赤字 | あかじ | deficit, go in the red | - |
明かす | あかす | to pass, spend, to reveal, to divulge | - |
赤ちゃん | あかちゃん | baby, infant | - |
明白 | あからさま | obvious, overt, plainly, frankly | - |
赤らむ | あからむ | to become red, to redden, to blush | - |
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