JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

染みる しみる to pierce, to permeate -
使命 しめい mission, errand, message -
締め切り しめきり closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance -
しもべ manservant, servant (of God) -
社交 しゃこう social life, social intercourse -
謝絶 しゃぜつ refusal -
社宅 しゃたく company owned house -
吃逆 しゃっくり hiccough, hiccup -
喋る しゃべる to talk, to chat, to chatter -
斜面 しゃめん slope, slanting surface, bevel -
洒落 しゃらく frank, open-hearted -
洒落る しゃれる to joke, to play on words, to dress stylishly -
視野 しや field of vision, outlook -
しゅ kind, variety, species -
しゅう masses, great number, the people -
しゅう circuit, lap, circumference, vicinity, Chou (dynasty) -
収益 しゅうえき earnings, proceeds, returns -
修学 しゅうがく learning -
周期 しゅうき cycle, period -
衆議院 しゅうぎいん Lower House, House of Representatives -
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