JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
就業 | しゅうぎょう | employment, starting work | - |
修行 | しゅうぎょう | pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice, discipline | - |
集計 | しゅうけい | totalization, aggregate | - |
襲撃 | しゅうげき | attack, charge, raid | - |
収支 | しゅうし | income and expenditure | - |
終始 | しゅうし | beginning and end, from beginning to end, doing a thing from beginning to end | - |
修士 | しゅうし | Masters degree program | - |
収集 | しゅうしゅう | gathering up, collection, accumulation | - |
修飾 | しゅうしょく | ornamentation, embellishment, decoration, adornment, polish up (writing), modification (gram) | - |
終日 | しゅうじつ | all day | - |
執着 | しゅうじゃく | attachment, adhesion, tenacity | - |
収容 | しゅうよう | accommodation, reception, seating, housing, custody, admission, entering (in a dictionary) | - |
修了 | しゅうりょう | completion (of a course) | - |
守衛 | しゅえい | security guard, doorkeeper | - |
主演 | しゅえん | starring, playing the leading part | - |
主観 | しゅかん | subjectivity, subject, ego | - |
祝賀 | しゅくが | celebration, congratulations | - |
宿命 | しゅくめい | fate, destiny, predestination | - |
主権 | しゅけん | sovereignty, supremacy, dominion | - |
手芸 | しゅげい | handicrafts | - |
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