JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
定める | さだめる | to decide, to establish, to determine | - |
錯覚 | さっかく | optical illusion, hallucination | - |
早急 | さっきゅう | urgent | - |
察する | さっする | to guess, to sense, to presume, to judge, to sympathize with | - |
察する | さっと | quickly, suddenly | - |
冊 | さつ | counter for books | - |
殺人 | さつじん | murder | - |
偖 | さて | well, now, then | - |
悟る | さとる | to attain enlightenment, to perceive, to understand, to discern | - |
真実 | さな | truth, reality | - |
裁く | さばく | to judge | - |
錆び | さび | rust (colour) | - |
左程 | さほど | (not) very, (not) much | - |
様 | さま | Mr. or Mrs., manner, kind, appearance | - |
三味線 | さみせん | three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisen | - |
侍 | さむらい | Samurai, warrior | - |
然も | さも | with gusto, with satisfaction | - |
作用 | さよう | action, operation, effect, function | - |
左様なら | さようなら | good-bye | - |
拐う | さらう | to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct | - |
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