JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

詐欺 さぎ fraud, swindle -
さく a work, a harvest -
さく plan, policy -
さく fence, paling -
削減 さくげん cut, reduction, curtailment -
錯誤 さくご mistake -
作戦 さくせん military or naval operations, tactics, strategy -
作物 さくぶつ literary work -
叫び さけび shout, scream, outcry -
裂ける さける to split, to tear, to burst -
捧げる ささげる to lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate -
差し掛かる さしかかる to come near to, to approach -
指図 さしず instruction, mandate -
差し出す さしだす to present, to submit, to tender, to hold out -
差し支える さしつかえる to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded -
差し引く さしひく to deduct -
些事 さじ something small or petty, trifle -
授ける さずける to grant, to award, to teach -
さぞ I am sure, certainly, no doubt -
定まる さだまる to become settled, to be fixed -
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