JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
検事 | けんじ | public prosecutor | - |
健全 | けんぜん | health, soundness, wholesome | - |
見地 | けんち | point of view | - |
賢明 | けんめい | wisdom, intelligence, prudence | - |
倹約 | けんやく | thrift, economy, frugality | - |
兼用 | けんよう | multi-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes | - |
権力 | けんりょく | power, authority, influence | - |
劇団 | げきだん | troupe, theatrical company | - |
激励 | げきれい | encouragement | - |
月謝 | げっしゃ | monthly tuition fee | - |
月謝 | げっそり | being disheartened, losing weight | - |
月賦 | げっぷ | monthly installment | - |
下痢 | げり | diarrhoea | - |
原 | げん | original, primitive, primary, fundamental, raw | - |
原形 | げんけい | original form, base form | - |
現行 | げんこう | present, current, in operation | - |
原作 | げんさく | original work | - |
原子 | げんし | atom | - |
元首 | げんしゅ | ruler, sovereign | - |
原書 | げんしょ | original document | - |
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