JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

結束 けっそく union, unity -
けつ excellence -
決意 けつい decision, determination -
決議 けつぎ resolution, vote, decision -
結合 けつごう combination, union -
決断 けつだん decision, determination -
欠乏 けつぼう want, shortage, famine -
蹴飛ばす けとばす to kick away, to kick off, to kick (someone), to refuse, to reject -
貶す けなす to speak ill of -
煙たい けむたい smoky, feeling awkward -
煙る けむる to smoke (e.g. fire) -
家来 けらい retainer, retinue, servant -
けれど けれど but, however -
けん sphere, circle, range -
けん authority, the right (to do something) -
権威 けんい authority, power, influence -
兼業 けんぎょう side line, second business -
権限 けんげん power, authority, jurisdiction -
健在 けんざい in good health, well -
懸賞 けんしょう offering prizes, winning, reward -
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