JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
形態 | けいたい | form, shape, figure | - |
刑罰 | けいばつ | judgement, penalty, punishment | - |
経費 | けいひ | expenses, cost, outlay | - |
警部 | けいぶ | police inspector | - |
軽蔑 | けいべつ | scorn, disdain | - |
経歴 | けいれき | personal history, career | - |
経路 | けいろ | course, route, channel | - |
汚す | けがす | to disgrace, to dishonour | - |
汚らわしい | けがらわしい | filthy, unfair | - |
汚れ | けがれ | uncleanness, impurity, disgrace | - |
汚れる | けがれる | to get dirty, to become dirty | - |
獣 | けだもの | beast, brute | - |
吝嗇 | けち | stinginess, miser, miserliness, skinflint, tightwad, niggard, pinching pennies | - |
結核 | けっかく | tuberculosis, tubercule | - |
血管 | けっかん | blood vessel | - |
決行 | けっこう | doing (with resolve), carrying out (i.e. a plan) | - |
決算 | けっさん | balance sheet, settlement of accounts | - |
決勝 | けっしょう | decision of a contest, finals (in sports) | - |
結晶 | けっしょう | crystal, crystallization | - |
結成 | けっせい | formation | - |
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