JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

現われ あらわれ embodiment, materialization -
現われる あらわれる to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to express oneself -
有難う ありがとう Thank you -
有様 ありさま state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth -
有りのまま ありのまま the truth, fact, as it is, frankly -
或る ある a certain..., some... -
或いは あるいは or, possibly -
彼此 あれこれ one thing or another, this and that, this or that -
合わす あわす to join together, to face, to unite, to be opposite, to combine, to connect, to add up, to mix, to match, to -
合わせ あわせ joint together, opposite, facing -
慌ただしい あわただしい busy, hurried, confused, flurried -
慌てる あわてる to become confused (disconcerted disorganized) -
暗殺 あんさつ assassination -
暗算 あんざん mental arithmetic -
暗示 あんじ hint, suggestion -
案じる あんじる to be anxious, to ponder -
安静 あんせい rest -
案の定 あんのじょう sure enough, as usual -
余り あんまり not very (this form only used as adverb), not much, remainder, rest, remnant, surplus, balance, excess, rema -
depending on -
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