JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

雨具 あまぐ rain gear -
あまつ heavenly, imperial -
あみ net, network -
天地 あめつち heaven and earth, the universe, nature, top and bottom, realm, sphere, world -
操る あやつる to manipulate, to operate, to pull strings -
操る あやふや uncertain, vague, ambiguous -
危ぶむ あやぶむ to fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust -
過ち あやまち fault, error, indiscretion -
誤る あやまる to make a mistake -
歩み あゆみ walking -
歩む あゆむ to walk, to go on foot -
あら あら oh, ah, saw-edged perch (Niphon spinosus) -
予め あらかじめ beforehand, in advance, previously -
荒らす あらす to lay waste, to devastate, to damage, to invade, to break into -
粗筋 あらすじ outline, summary -
争い あらそい dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest -
改まる あらたまる to be renewed -
荒っぽい あらっぽい rough, rude -
凡ゆる あらゆる all, every -
あられ あられ kind of cookie, cartoon character -
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