JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

明るい あかるい bright, cheerful -
上がり あがり 1. slope, advance income, crop yield, ascent, rise, advance, death, spinning, completion, stop, finish, after -
上がる あがる to enter, to go up, to rise, to climb up, to advance, to appreciate, to be promoted, to improve, to call on, -
商人 あきうど trader, shopkeeper, merchant -
空間 あきま vacancy, room for rent or lease -
諦め あきらめ resignation, acceptance, consolation -
呆れる あきれる to be amazed, to be shocked -
あく evil, wickedness -
あく puckery juice -
あくどい 1. gaudy, showy, excessive, 2. vicious -
悪日 あくび unlucky day -
明くる あくる next, following -
憧れ あこがれ yearning, longing, aspiration -
あご chin -
あさ flax, linen, hemp -
明後日 あさって day after tomorrow -
朝寝坊 あさねぼう oversleeping, late riser -
浅ましい あさましい wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject -
あざ section of village -
欺く あざむく to deceive -
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