JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

鮮やか あざやか vivid, clear, brilliant -
あざ笑う あざわらう to sneer at, to ridicule -
味わい あじわい flavour, meaning, significance -
あずま east, Eastern Japan -
焦る あせる to be in a hurry, to be impatient -
彼処 あそこ 1. (uk) there, over there, that place, 2. (X) (col) genitals -
あたい value, price, cost, worth, merit -
値する あたいする to be worth, to deserve, to merit -
あたし I (fem) -
当たり あたり hit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood -
当たり前 あたりまえ usual, common, ordinary, natural, reasonable, obvious -
他人 あだびと another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger -
彼方此方 あちこち here and there -
彼方 あちら 1. there, yonder, that -
彼方此方 あちらこちら here and there -
悪化 あっか deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption -
呆気ない あっけない not enough, too quick (short long etc.) -
悪口 あっこう abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking -
悪口 あっさり easily, readily, quickly -
圧迫 あっぱく pressure, coercion, oppression -
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