JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

行き成り いきなり suddenly -
異議 いぎ objection, dissent, protest -
異議 いく to come, to orgasm -
いくさ war, battle, campaign, fight -
いくさ war, battle, campaign, fight -
育成 いくせい rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion -
幾多 いくた many, numerous -
活ける いける to arrange (flowers) -
異見 いけん different opinion, objection -
意向 いこう intention, idea, inclination -
移行 いこう switching over to -
いざ いざ now, come (now), well, crucial moment -
いしぶみ stone monument bearing an inscription -
衣装 いしょう clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress -
意地 いじ disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite -
苛める いじめる to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastise -
移住 いじゅう migration, immigration -
弄る いじる to touch, to tamper with -
何れ いずれ where, which, who, anyway, anyhow, at any rate -
異性 いせい the opposite sex -
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