JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
試み | こころみ | trial, experiment | - |
試みる | こころみる | to try, to test | - |
快い | こころよい | pleasant, agreeable | - |
凝らす | こごらす | to freeze, to congeal | - |
凝る | こごる | to congeal, to freeze | - |
拵える | こしらえる | to make, to manufacture | - |
孤児 | こじ | orphan | - |
拗れる | こじれる | to get complicated, to grow worse | - |
故人 | こじん | the deceased, old friend | - |
梢 | こずえ | treetop | - |
個性 | こせい | individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy | - |
戸籍 | こせき | census, family register | - |
小銭 | こぜに | coins, small change | - |
固体 | こたい | solid (body) | - |
答え | こたえ | answer, response | - |
堪える | こたえる | to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t | - |
火燵 | こたつ | table with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well | - |
古代 | こだい | ancient times | - |
こだわる | こだわる | to fuss over, to be particular about, to be concerned about | - |
誇張 | こちょう | exaggeration | - |
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