JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
混む | こむ | to be crowded | - |
込める | こめる | to include, to put into | - |
篭る | こもる | to seclude oneself, to be confined in, to be implied, to be stuffy | - |
固有 | こゆう | characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, eigen- | - |
雇用 | こよう | employment (long term), hire | - |
暦 | こよみ | calendar, almanac | - |
堪える | こらえる | to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t | - |
孤立 | こりつ | isolation, helplessness | - |
懲りる | こりる | to learn by experience, to be disgusted with | - |
此れ | これ | this | - |
此れ等 | これら | these | - |
魂 | こん | soul, spirit | - |
根気 | こんき | patience, perseverance, energy | - |
根拠 | こんきょ | basis, foundation | - |
混血 | こんけつ | mixed race, mixed parentage | - |
昆虫 | こんちゅう | insect, bug | - |
根底 | こんてい | root, basis, foundation | - |
混同 | こんどう | confusion, mixing, merger | - |
今日は | こんにちは | hello, good day (daytime greeting id) | - |
今晩は | こんばんは | good evening | - |
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