JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

共和 きょうわ republicanism, cooperation -
きょく tune, piece of music -
局限 きょくげん limit, localize -
極端 きょくたん extreme, extremity -
居住 きょじゅう residence -
拒絶 きょぜつ refusal, rejection -
拒否 きょひ denial, veto, rejection, refusal -
許容 きょよう permission, pardon -
距離 きょり distance, range -
寄与 きよ contribution, service -
清らか きよらか clean, pure, chaste -
気楽 きらく at ease, comfortable -
煌びやか きらびやか gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay -
切り きり limits, end, bounds, period, place to leave off, closing sentence, all there is, only, since -
きり paulownia tree -
切り替える きりかえる to change, to exchange, to convert, to renew, to throw a switch, to replace, to switch over -
気流 きりゅう atmospheric current -
奇麗 きれい pretty, clean, nice, tidy, beautiful, fair -
切れ目 きれめ break, pause, gap, end, rift, interruption, cut, section, notch, incision, end (of a task) -
きわ edge, brink, verge, side -
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