JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

きのえ 1st in rank, first sign of the Chinese calendar, shell, instep, grade A -
気配 きはい indication, market trend, worry -
規範 きはん model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example -
気品 きひん aroma -
気風 きふう character, traits, ethos -
起伏 きふく undulation -
規模 きぼ scale, scope, plan, structure -
気まぐれ きまぐれ whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper -
生真面目 きまじめ too serious, person who is too serious, honesty, sincerity -
期末 きまつ end of term -
決まり悪い きまりわるい feeling awkward, being ashamed -
決まる きまる to be decided, to be settled, to look good in (clothes) -
記名 きめい signature, register -
脚色 きゃくしょく dramatization (e.g. film) -
脚本 きゃくほん scenario -
客観 きゃっかん objective -
規約 きやく agreement, rules, code -
救援 きゅうえん relief, rescue, reinforcement -
休学 きゅうがく temporary absence from school, suspension -
究極 きゅうきょく ultimate, final, eventual -
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