JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
偽造 | ぎぞう | forgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting | - |
議題 | ぎだい | topic of discussion, agenda | - |
技能 | ぎのう | technical skill, ability, capacity | - |
逆転 | ぎゃくてん | (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball) | - |
行 | ぎょう | line, row, verse | - |
業者 | ぎょうしゃ | trader, merchant | - |
行政 | ぎょうせい | administration | - |
業績 | ぎょうせき | achievement, performance, results, work, contribution | - |
業務 | ぎょうむ | business, affairs, duties, work | - |
玉 | ぎょく | king (shogi) | - |
漁船 | ぎょせん | fishing boat | - |
漁村 | ぎょそん | fishing village | - |
義理 | ぎり | duty, sense of duty, honor, decency, courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation | - |
疑惑 | ぎわく | doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion | - |
吟味 | ぎんみ | testing, scrutiny, careful investigation | - |
区 | く | ward, district, section | - |
食い違う | くいちがう | to cross each other, to run counter to, to differ, to clash, to go awry | - |
空腹 | くうふく | hunger | - |
区画 | くかく | division, section, compartment, boundary, area, block | - |
区間 | くかん | section (of track etc) | - |
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