JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

河川 かせん rivers -
化繊 かせん synthetic fibres -
過疎 かそ depopulation -
過多 かた excess, superabundance -
難い かたい difficult, hard -
片思い かたおもい unrequited love -
かたき enemy, rival -
気質 かたぎ spirit, character, trait, temperament, disposition -
片言 かたこと a smattering, talk like a baby, speak haltingly -
片付け かたづけ tidying up, finishing -
傾く かたぶく to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to -
傾ける かたむける to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to -
固める かためる to harden, to freeze, to fortify -
偏る かたよる to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased -
傍ら かたわら beside(s), while, nearby -
課題 かだい subject, theme, task -
花壇 かだん flower bed -
家畜 かちく domestic animals, livestock, cattle -
画期 かっき epoch-making -
活発 かっぱつ vigor, active -
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