JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

駆ける かける to run (race esp. horse), to gallop, to canter -
賭ける かける to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble -
ヶ月 かげつ #NAME? , months -
加工 かこう manufacturing, processing, treatment -
化合 かごう chemical combination -
嵩張る かさばる to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous -
嵩む かさむ to pile up, to increase -
風車 かざぐるま 1. windmill, 2. pinwheel -
畏まりました かしこまりました certainly! -
華奢 かしゃ luxury, pomp, delicate, slender, gorgeous -
箇所 かしょ passage, place, point, part -
火傷 かしょう burn, scald -
箇条書き かじょうがき itemized form, itemization -
噛る かじる to chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to nibble, to munch, to crunch, to have a smattering of -
微か かすか faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched -
霞む かすむ to grow hazy, to be misty -
化する かする to change into, to convert into, to transform, to be reduced, to influence, to improve (someone) -
擦る かする to touch lightly, to take a percentage (from) -
火星 かせい Mars (planet) -
化石 かせき fossil, petrifaction, fossilization -
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