JLPT N1 Vocabulary List

帯びる おびる to wear, to carry, to be entrusted, to have, to take on, to have a trace of, to be tinged with -
覚え おぼえ memory, sense, experience -
御負け おまけ 1. a discount, a prize, 2. something additional, bonus, an extra, 3. an exaggeration -
お巡りさん おまわりさん policeman (friendly term) -
お宮 おみや Shinto shrine -
お襁褓 おむつ diaper, nappy -
お目出度う おめでとう (ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!, an auspicious occasion! -
おも face -
思い付き おもいつき plan, idea, suggestion -
面白い おもしろい interesting, amusing -
玩具 おもちゃ toy -
重なる おもなる main, principal, important -
おもむき meaning, tenor, gist, effect, appearance, taste, grace, charm, refinement -
赴く おもむく to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become -
重役 おもやく heavy responsibilities, director -
重んじる おもんじる to respect, to honor, to esteem, to prize -
重んずる おもんずる to honor, to respect, to esteem, to prize -
お休み おやすみ holiday, absence, rest, Good night -
お八 おやつ 1. (uk) between meal snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea, 2. mid-day snack -
凡そ およそ about, roughly, as a rule, approximately -
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