JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
お邪魔します | おじゃまします | Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you | - |
雄 | おす | male (animal) | - |
お世辞 | おせじ | flattery, compliment | - |
襲う | おそう | to attack | - |
遅くとも | おそくとも | at the latest | - |
恐らく | おそらく | perhaps | - |
恐れ | おそれ | fear, horror | - |
恐れ入る | おそれいる | to be filled with awe, to feel small, to be amazed, to be surprised, to be disconcerted, to be sorry, to b | - |
お大事に | おだいじに | Take care of yourself | - |
煽てる | おだてる | to stir up, to instigate, to flatter | - |
落ち込む | おちこむ | to fall into, to feel down (sad) | - |
落ち着き | おちつき | calm, composure | - |
落ち葉 | おちば | fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves | - |
落ちる | おちる | to fail (e.g. exam), to fall down, to drop | - |
おっかない | おっかない | frightening, huge | - |
仰っしゃる | おっしゃる | to say, to speak, to tell, to talk | - |
乙 | おつ | 1. strange, quaint, stylish, chic, spicy, queer, witty, tasty, romantic, 2. 2nd in rank, second sign of the | - |
お使い | おつかい | errand | - |
お手上げ | おてあげ | all over, given in, given up hope, bring to knees | - |
御手洗い | おてあらい | toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US) | - |
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