JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
団扇 | うちわ | fan | - |
内訳 | うちわけ | the items, breakdown, classification | - |
訴え | うったえ | lawsuit, complaint | - |
鬱陶しい | うっとうしい | gloomy, depressing | - |
写し | うつし | copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript | - |
空ろ | うつろ | blank, cavity, hollow, empty (space) | - |
器 | うつわ | bowl, vessel, container | - |
雨天 | うてん | rainy weather | - |
腕前 | うでまえ | ability, skill, facility | - |
饂飩 | うどん | noodles (Japanese) | - |
促す | うながす | to urge, to press, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to) | - |
唸る | うなる | to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to buzz, to sough | - |
自惚れ | うぬぼれ | pretension, conceit, hubris | - |
甘い | うまい | delicious | - |
生まれつき | うまれつき | by nature, by birth, native | - |
海路 | うみじ | sea route | - |
産む | うむ | to give birth, to deliver, to produce | - |
埋め込む | うめこむ | to bury | - |
梅干 | うめぼし | dried plum | - |
末 | うら | top end, tip | - |
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