JLPT N1 Vocabulary List
受かる | うかる | to pass (examination) | - |
含嗽 | うがい | gargle, rinse mouth | - |
受け入れ | うけいれ | receiving, acceptance | - |
受け入れる | うけいれる | to accept, to receive | - |
受け継ぐ | うけつぐ | to inherit, to succeed, to take over | - |
受け付ける | うけつける | to be accepted, to receive (an application) | - |
受け止める | うけとめる | to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take | - |
受け取り | うけとり | receipt | - |
受身 | うけみ | passive, passive voice | - |
動き | うごき | movement, activity, trend, development, change | - |
潮 | うしお | tide | - |
氏 | うじ | family name | - |
渦 | うず | swirl | - |
埋まる | うずまる | to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled | - |
嘘つき | うそつき | liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness), fibber | - |
打ち合わせ | うちあわせ | business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment | - |
打ち合わせる | うちあわせる | to knock together, to arrange | - |
打ち切る | うちきる | to stop, to abort, to discontinue, to close | - |
打ち消し | うちけし | negation, denial, negative | - |
打ち込む | うちこむ | to drive in (e.g. nail stake), to devote oneself to, to shoot into, to smash, to throw into, to cast int | - |
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