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menstimulir, mendorong, merangsang, menggalakkan

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • うなが.す

  • ソク


  • 促す 【うながす】 to urge, to encourage, to press, to prompt, to draw (attention to), to stimulate (e.g. growth), to hasten (e.g. development), to quicken, to accelerate, to promote
  • 促進 【ソクシン】 promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
  • 促成 【ソクセイ】 promotion of growth
  • 督促 【トクソク】 urge, demand, importunity
  • 矢の催促 【ヤノサイソク】 strongly and repeatedly urging (demanding, requesting, pressing)

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