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kerendahan hati, hati-hati, bijaksana

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • つつし.む

  • つつ.ましい

  • つつし

  • つつし.み

  • シン


  • 慎む 【つつしむ】 to be careful, to be discreet, to do in moderation, to refrain (from overdoing), to abstain, to be reverent, to be purified, to be chaste
  • 慎ましい 【つつましい】 modest, reserved, quiet, humble
  • 慎む 【つつしむ】 to be careful, to be discreet, to do in moderation, to refrain (from overdoing), to abstain, to be reverent, to be purified, to be chaste
  • 慎み 【つつしみ】 modesty, self-control, discretion
  • 慎み 【つつしみ】 modesty, self-control, discretion
  • 慎み深い 【つつしみぶかい】 discreet, modest, cautious
  • 慎重 【シンチョウ】 careful, cautious, prudent, discreet, deliberate
  • 慎重吟味 【シンチョウギンミ】 scrutiny, careful (close) examination (investigation), careful inquiry, careful selection
  • 謹慎 【キンシン】 self restraint, moderating one's behaviour, penitence, discipline, confinement to one's home, house arrest
  • 不謹慎 【フキンシン】 indiscrete, imprudent, unscrupulous

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