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menekan, menahan, membendung, mengekang

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • おさ.える

  • ヨク


  • 抑える 【おさえる】 to keep within limits (e.g. spending), to restrain (e.g. emotions), to control, to curb, to hold in check, to hold back (e.g. an enemy), to check, to curb, to contain, to quell, to subdue, to suppress, to repress
  • 抑止 【ヨクシ】 check, checkmate, stave off, control, restraint, inhibit, deterrent, deterrence
  • 抑圧 【ヨクアツ】 check, restraint, oppression, suppression
  • 圧抑 【アツヨク】 check, restraint, oppression, suppression
  • 謙抑 【ケンヨク】 humbling oneself

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