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tirai, bendera, babak (dalam sebuah sandiwara)

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • とばり

  • マク

  • バク


  • 幕 【マク】 curtain, act (in a play), falling of the curtain, end (of a scene), end, close, case, occasion, role (to play), part, place, makuuchi, top division
  • 幕開け 【マクアケ】 rise of the curtain, opening of a play, beginning (e.g. of an era), start, opening (of a tournament, festival, etc.)
  • 入幕 【ニュウマク】 advancing to the first grade
  • 閉幕 【ヘイマク】 falling of the curtain, (coming to an) end, close
  • 幕末 【バクマツ】 Bakumatsu period, closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, end of the Edo period
  • 幕府 【バクフ】 shogunate, bakufu, shogun's headquarters, Imperial Guards office, residence of the Imperial Guards commander
  • 帷幕 【イバク】 curtain, field staff headquarters, secret meeting place
  • 討幕 【トウバク】 attacking the shogunate

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