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tali, kabel, kelas (genus)

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • つな

  • コウ


  • 綱 【つな】 rope, cord, line, grand champion's braided belt
  • 綱引き 【つなひき】 tug of war (orig. a form of divination to predict whether the year will be favourable or unfavourable), forward puller (of a rickshaw)
  • 命の綱 【いのちのつな】 the thread of life
  • 望みの綱 【のぞみのつな】 one's last hope, one's only hope, the last hope
  • 綱 【コウ】 class
  • 綱領 【コウリョウ】 general plan, main points, summary, platform (e.g. for a campaign), mission statement
  • 要綱 【ヨウコウ】 main principle, gist, general plan, guidelines, outline
  • 大綱 【タイコウ】 fundamental principles, main lines, outline, summary, general features

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