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musuh, lawan

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • かたき

  • あだ

  • かな.う

  • テキ


  • 敵 【かたき】 rival, opponent, adversary, competitor, enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity), foe, revenge, spouse
  • 敵討ち 【かたきうち】 vengeance, revenge, retaliation
  • 目の敵 【めのかたき】 enemy
  • 仇を討つ 【かたきをうつ】 to avenge (someone) by striking down their killer
  • 叶う 【かなう】 to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.), to be realized, to be fulfilled, to suit (e.g. a purpose), to meet (wishes, ideals, etc.), to conform to (standards, rules, etc.), to be consistent with, to match (implies competition), to rival, to bear (e.g. the heat)
  • 敵 【テキ】 opponent, rival, adversary, menace, danger, threat, enemy
  • 敵意 【テキイ】 hostility, animosity, enmity
  • 強敵 【キョウテキ】 formidable enemy, strong enemy, tough enemy
  • 無敵 【ムテキ】 invincible, unrivaled, unrivalled, matchless, unbeatable, undefeatable



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