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ekor, akhir, final

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1



  • 尾 【お】 tail (of an animal), tail (of a kite, etc.), tail end, tail (of a comet), slope at the foot of a mountain
  • 尾根 【おね】 (mountain) ridge
  • ガスの尾 【ガスのお】 gas tail (of a comet)
  • 虎の尾 【とらのお】 tiger's tail, gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides), Asplenium incisum (species of spleenwort)
  • 尾 【ビ】 Chinese "Tail" constellation (one of the 28 mansions), counter for fish, shrimp, etc.
  • 尾行 【ビコウ】 shadow, tail, following
  • 最後尾 【サイコウビ】 end (e.g. of a line), tail end, rear, backmost part
  • 交尾 【コウビ】 copulation (among animals), mating, treading, covering, serving

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