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termasuk,mengandung, ingatlah, pahami, hargai

Secondary school ・ JLPT N2


  • ふく.む

  • ふく.める

  • ガン


  • 含ませる  ふくませる to soak, to saturate, to suckle, to make one hold something in the mouth, to include, to instruct, to make one understand(Ichidan verb, vt)
  • 含み  ふくみ implication, hidden meaning, latitude, atmosphere, tone, sentiment, inclusionn)
  • 含む  ふくむ to contain, to comprise, to have, to hold, to include, to embrace, to hold in the mouth, to bear in mind, to understand, to harbor, to harbour(v5m)
  • 含蓄  がんちく implication, significance, connotation, depth of meaning, complications of a problem(n, vs)
  • 含有  がんゆう contain, include(n, vs)

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