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mengukir, memotong halus, memotong, hash, cincang, waktu, mengukir

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N2


  • きざ.む

  • きざ.み

  • コク


  • 一刻  いっこく minute, moment, an instant, stubborn, hot-headed(adj-na, n-adv, n-t)
  •   こく time, carving, engraving, cutting(n)
  • 刻刻  こくこく moment by moment, hour by hour(adv, n)
  • 刻み  きざみ shredded tobacco, notch, nick(n)
  • 刻む  きざむ to mince, to carve, to engrave, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, to chisel, to notch(v5m, vt)

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