JLPT N2 Kanji List

Kanji Kunyomi Onyomi Arti
あら.い, あら-, あ.れる, あ.らす, -あ.らし, すさ.む コウ laid waste, rough, rude, wild
がえんじ.る コウ agreement, consent, comply with
たがや.す コウ till, plow, cultivate
べに, くれない, あか.い コウ, ク crimson, deep red
かた.い コウ stiff, hard
かま.える, かま.う コウ posture, build, pretend
さら, さら.に, ふ.ける, ふ.かす コウ grow late, night watch, sit up late, of course
あつ.い, あか コウ thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless
き.く, ききめ, なら.う コウ merit, efficacy, efficiency, benefit
あやま.る, -あやま.る mistake, err, do wrong, mislead
おん-, お-, み- ギョ, ゴ honorable, manipulate, govern
たが.い, かたみ.に mutually, reciprocally, together
やと.う employ, hire
か.れる, か.らす wither, die, dry up, be seasoned
ゆえ happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently
よ.ぶ call, call out to, invite
コ, カ individual, counter for articles and military units
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