JLPT N3 Vocabulary List

一瞬 いっしゅん a moment,an instant -
一生 いっしょう whole life,a lifetime,all through life -
一層 いっそう much more,still more,all the more -
一体 いったい (1) one object,one body,(2) what on earth?,really?,(3) generally -
一致 いっち (1) coincidence,agreement,(2) conformity -
いつでも いつでも (at) any time,always,at all times,never (neg) -
一般 いっぱん general,liberal,universal,ordinary,average -
一方 いっぽう (1) on the other hand,(2) meanwhile,(3) only,simple,in turn -
いつまでも いつまでも forever,for good,eternally,as long as one likes,indefinitely -
いつも いつも always,usually,every time,never (with neg. verb) -
移動 いどう removal,migration,movement -
従兄弟 いとこ cousin (male) -
いね rice-plant -
居眠り いねむり dozing,nodding off -
いのち command,decree,life,destiny -
違反 いはん violation (of law),transgression,infringement,breach -
衣服 いふく clothes -
居間 いま living room (western style) -
今に いまに before long,even now -
今にも いまにも at any time,soon -
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