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consolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • なぐさ.める

  • なぐさ.む


  • 慰める 【なぐさめる】 to comfort, to console, to amuse
  • 慰む 【なぐさむ】 to feel comforted, to be in good spirits, to feel better, to forget one's worries, to trifle with, to fool around with
  • 慰謝 【イシャ】 consolation
  • 慰安 【イアン】 solace, relaxation
  • 弔意 【チョウイ】 condolence, sympathy, mourning
  • 少慰 【ショウイ】 ensign (navy), second lieutenant (marine and army)

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