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yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach

Grade 3 ・ JLPT N3


  • む.く

  • む.い

  • -む.き

  • む.ける

  • -む.け

  • む.かう

  • む.かい

  • む.こう

  • む.こう-

  • むこ

  • むか.い

  • コウ


  • あお向け  あおむけ face up(n)
  • 傾向  けいこう tendency, trend, inclination(n, vs)
  • 後向き  うしろむき back facing, turning one's back to(n)
  • 向き  むき direction, orientation, aspect, situation, exposure, suitability, tendency(adj-na, n, n-suf)
  • 向こう  むこう opposite side, other side, opposite direction, over there, that way, far away, beyond, the other party, the other person, future (starting now)(n)

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