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discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • おさ.める

  • おさ.まる

  • シュウ

  • シュ


  • 修める 【おさめる】 to study, to complete (a course), to cultivate, to master, to order (one's life), to repair (a fault one has committed)
  • 修まる 【おさまる】 to reform (oneself), to conduct oneself well
  • 修業 【シュウギョウ】 pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, completing a course
  • 修学旅行 【シュウガクリョコウ】 excursion, field trip, school trip
  • 監修 【カンシュウ】 (editorial) supervision, general editorship, supervising director
  • 改修 【カイシュウ】 repair, improvement
  • 修業 【シュウギョウ】 pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, completing a course
  • 修学旅行 【シュウガクリョコウ】 excursion, field trip, school trip
  • 逆修 【ギャクシュ】 holding a memorial service for oneself, an older person conducting a memorial service for a deceased, younger person
  • 改修  かいしゅう repair, improvement(n, vs)
  • 監修  かんしゅう supervision(n, vs) 研修  けんしゅう training (esp. in-service), induction course(n, vs)
  • 研修員  けんしゅういん trainee(n)

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