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coin, .01 yen, money

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • ぜに

  • すき

  • セン

  • ゼン


  • 銭 【ぜに】 round coin with a (square) hole in the center, coin made of non-precious materials, money
  • 銭葵 【ぜにあおい】 common mallow (Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana)
  • 身銭 【みぜに】 one's own money
  • 日銭 【ひぜに】 daily income in cash, money paid by daily installments, money paid by daily instalments
  • 銭 【セン】 sen (hundredth of a yen), coin made of non-precious materials, one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of currency), one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of mass)
  • 銭湯 【セントウ】 public bath, bathhouse
  • 間銭 【アイセン】 handling fee, commission
  • 追い銭 【オイセン】 money paid in addition

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