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defer, turnover, transfer, convey

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • ゆず.る

  • ジョウ


  • 譲る 【ゆずる】 to hand over, to transfer, to turn over, to assign, to convey, to bequeath, to give up (e.g. one's seat), to give way, to yield, to concede, to give ground, to surrender, to sell, to postpone, to put off, to defer
  • 譲歩 【ジョウホ】 concession, conciliation, compromise
  • 譲渡 【ジョウト】 transfer, assignment, conveyance
  • 分譲 【ブンジョウ】 selling (real-estate) lots
  • 移譲 【イジョウ】 transfer, assignment

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