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accusation, sue, complain of pain, appeal to

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • うった.える


  • 訴える 【うったえる】 to raise, to bring to (someone's attention), to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.), to work on (one's emotions), to play on (one's sympathies), to complain, to sue (a person), to take someone to court, to resort to (e.g. arms, violence)
  • 訴状 【ソジョウ】 petition, complaint, (legal) brief
  • 訴訟 【ソショウ】 litigation, lawsuit
  • 公訴 【コウソ】 accusation, prosecution
  • 提訴 【テイソ】 presenting a case, suing

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