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consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • かこつ.ける

  • かこ.つ

  • かこ.つける

  • タク


  • 託ける 【かこつける】 to use as a pretext, to use as an excuse
  • 託つ 【かこつ】 to complain about, to grumble, to make an excuse for
  • 託つけ 【かこつけ】 pretext, excuse
  • 託ける 【かこつける】 to use as a pretext, to use as an excuse
  • 託す 【タクス】 to entrust (someone) with, to leave (a matter) with someone, to place under someone's care, to have someone deliver (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (through someone), to leave (a message) with someone, to use (something) to express (one's feelings, opinion, etc.), to express in the form of (something), to use as a pretext
  • 託児所 【タクジショ】 creche, day nursery, day-care center
  • 嘱託 【ショクタク】 commission, entrusting with (work), part-time employee, temporary work
  • 請託 【セイタク】 solicitation

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