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bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean

Grade 3 ・ JLPT N3


  • ま.がる

  • ま.げる

  • キョク


  • 歌謡曲  かようきょ くpopular song(n)
  • 戯曲  ぎきょく play, drama(n)
  •   きょく tune, piece of music(n, n-suf)
  • 曲り  角まがりかど street corner, road turn, bend in the road, turning point(n)
  • 曲る まがる  to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist, to turn, to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked(v5r, intransitive verb)

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