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indications, sign, omen, symptom, collect, seek, refer to, question

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • しるし

  • チョウ


  • 徴 【しるし】 sign, indication, omen
  • 徴 【チョウ】 sign, indication, symptom, call, summons, requisition, expropriation
  • 兆候 【チョウコウ】 sign, indication, omen, symptom
  • 追徴 【ツイチョウ】 supplementary charge, additional collection
  • 吉兆 【キッチョウ】 lucky omen, good omen
  • 徴 【チ】 fourth degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale)
  • 徴 【チョウ】 sign, indication, symptom, call, summons, requisition, expropriation
  • 変徴 【ヘンチ】 note a semitone below the fourth degree of the Chinese and Japanese pentatonic scale

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