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abolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon

Secondary school ・ JLPT N1


  • すた.れる

  • すた.る

  • ハイ


  • 廃れる 【すたれる】 to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashion, to go out of style, to decline (e.g. of morals), to be lost, to go into decline (of a town, business, etc.)
  • 廃る 【すたる】 to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashion, to go out of style, to be hurt (of honour, reputation, etc.), to be harmed, to be sullied
  • 廃棄 【ハイキ】 disposal, abandonment, scrapping, discarding, abolition, annulment, cancellation, abrogation, repeal
  • 廃案 【ハイアン】 rejected bill (project)
  • 退廃 【タイハイ】 (moral) decay, (social) decline, decadence, corruption, degeneration, deterioration, decline (in prosperity)
  • 改廃 【カイハイ】 reform and (or) abolition, alteration or repeal, revision, reorganization, reorganisation

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