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figure, form, shape

Grade 6 ・ JLPT N1


  • すがた


  • 姿 【すがた】 figure, form, shape, appearance, dress, guise, state, condition, picture, image, form (of a waka), dressed in ..., wearing ...
  • 姿絵 【すがたえ】 portrait
  • 晴れ姿 【はれすがた】 appearing in one's finest clothes, appearing in one's hour of triumph
  • 舞姿 【まいすがた】 dancing figure, one's appearance when dancing, dancing posture
  • 姿勢 【シセイ】 posture, pose, position, stance, carriage (of the body), attitude, approach, stance
  • 姿勢制御 【シセイセイギョ】 attitude control
  • 雄姿 【ユウシ】 majestic figure, imposing figure, impressive appearance, magnificent appearance
  • 英姿 【エイシ】 gallant figure, impressive figure, noble appearance

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