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change, take the form of, influence, enchant, delude, -ization

Grade 3 ・ JLPT N3


  • ば.ける

  • ば.かす

  • ふ.ける

  • け.する


  • 御化  けおばけ goblin, apparition, monster, ghost(n)
  • あっ化  あっか (suffer) deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption(n, vs)
  • 化ける  ばける to appear in disguise, to take the form of, to change for the worse, to corrupt(Ichidan verb, intransitive verb)
  • 化学  ばけがく chemistry, chemical (company)(n)
  • 化石 かせき fossil, petrifaction, fossilization, fossilisation(n, vs)

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